The UCA Team
The UCA Team

Fidel Echevarría
Professor of Ecology and SEA-EU Coordinator

Jose A Muñoz-Cueto
Professor of Zoology

Jose Mª González
Professor of Organic Chemistry and Director of EIDEMAR

Irene Laiz
Lecturer of Applied Physics, Chair of SEA-EU DOC at UCA and Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master “Water and Coastal Management”

Jose M. Sánchez
Lecturer of Economics and Director of Entrepreneurship

Fernando Merello
Knowledge Transfer Unit

Laura Howard
Lecturer of Educational Sciences and Chair of SEA-EU Education Subcommittee

Antonio J. González Rueda
Researcher of INDESS-UCA and SEA-EU Planning Director

Belén Chinchilla
SEA-EU Technical Manager

Mariló Gómez
UCA International Office Technical Support