The Second Transnational Meeting
The Second Transnational Meeting

The University of Malta’s Doctoral School hosted the second transnational meeting for the SEA-EU DOC project with representatives from the members of the SEA-EU Alliance: Universities of Western Brittany (France), Gdańsk (Poland), Cádiz (Spain), Kiel (Germany) and Split (Croatia).
The UM team was led by Prof. Nicholas Vella and included Dr Adam Gauci, Dr Ritienne Gauci, Mr Clayton Axisa and Ms Maria Calleja. Support was received from the Doctoral School, the Finance Directorate, and the Conferences & Events Unit.
This event aimed to discuss the progress achieved so far, as reported to the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Office, and to define the next steps, including training events for students. The project, which is led by the University of Western Brittany (UBO), looks at ways of enhancing the visibility of the skills acquired by doctoral students in marine and maritime sciences, aligning skills and competences with the needs of industry, and providing a networking platform for alumni.
‘It was wonderful to be able to meet in person, after two years of discussion glued to computer screens. The meeting served to take stock of the project reporting, deliverables and deadlines. The experience of sharing practices related to doctoral studies across six universities pertaining to the SEA-EU Alliance is to be cherished and all partners are looking forward to the training and multiplier events that are scheduled for the next eighteen months’, said Prof. Nicholas Vella, Director of the Doctoral School.
The Ambassador of France in Malta hosted the heads of delegation for dinner on 2 March 2022. The meeting was brought to a close by a visit to Ħaġar Qim and Mnajdra.