SEA-EU Stakeholder Meeting at the University of Malta
SEA-EU Stakeholder Meeting at the University of Malta

On 23 November, various UM staff members met a number of local industry partners who are signed up as stakeholders or associated partners within the European University of the Seas (acronym: SEA-EU), of which UM is one of six partner universities.
The primary purpose of this event was to engage in a frank, two-way discussion exploring ‘university-industry collaboration’, identifying ‘skill gaps’, and deepening the stakeholders’ engagement in the various SEA-EU-related research, teaching and training initiatives. Stakeholders in attendance included representatives from both the private and public sectors with backgrounds in maritime affairs (including fishing), tourism, environmental management, education and cultural heritage.
The event was opened by Prof. Simon G. Fabri, UM Pro-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer and with inputs from Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino (Rector’s Delegate for SEA-EU) and Prof. Nicholas Vella (Director of UM’s Doctoral School and UM lead on the SEA-EU DOC. project).
A comprehensive introduction to SEA-EU was followed by an overview of the opportunities for stakeholder involvement and the topic of industrial doctorates. A focus group followed, addressing how to bridge the ‘university-industry gap’, led by Prof Baldacchino and Ing. Elisa Vella, from UM’s Knowledge Transfer Office. Dr Ivana Vuka, SEA-EU delegate from the University of Split in Croatia, attended and acted as the focus group rapporteur.
The event was ably supported by Ms Maria Calleja (SEA-EU Technical Manager), Ms Christine Said (SEA-EU Research Support Officer) and the UM Conference Unit.