SEA-EU Governing Board 13 July 2020
Last July 13 the first governing board took place virtually due to the de-escalation situation after the confinement by the covid around the world.
This Governing Board should have been held in Brest, with the Université de Bratagne Occidentale as host. Even through video calling, they were the hosting institution of a 4-hour meeting that went smoothly and with the presence and participation of rectors and vice-rectors of the 6 member universities.
Vanessa Debiais-Sainton attended this GB as a guest and participated by exposing the vision that the European Commission has on European universities, encouraging partners to get fully involved in achieving great challenges that will dictate possible extensions of the project.
During this meeting, documents such as brand, ethis and quality manuals were approved, and the manifesto prepared by the partners was read.
It was also highlighted the participation of the student representative, who presented the vision and predisposition of the students to participate in sea-eu in an active way to achieve a greater scope.
Next governing board will be held in croatia, phisically if conditions allow.