First Meeting of SEA-EU DOC
First Meeting of SEA-EU DOC

The first videoconference to launch the SEA-EU-DOC project has taken place, convened by the partners of the University of Bretagne Occidentale, the coordinating institution of this project nested in SEA-EU.
SEA-EU-DOC is an Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for higher education project. It associates all the six universities of SEA-EU: UBO (Brest), UCA (Cadiz), CAU (Kiel), UG (Gdansk), UNIST (Split) and UM (Malta). SEA-EU-DOC focus on doctoral studies in marine, maritime and coastal sciences. The project will begin the 1st of September 2020, for 3 years.
SEA-EU-DOC aim to broaden employment opportunities of doctorate holders in the particular context of marine sciences. Indeed, with the deficit of academic permanent employment contracts in Europe and the growing employment precariousness of this sector, more doctorate holders are turning to jobs outside academia. Preparing the students for a broad range of career options matching the reality of the labour market falls on the responsibility of universities.
This success is yet another milestone on the path that SEA-EU is shaping towards the future of higher education in Europe.