SEA-EU Blue Talks jest serią krótkich webinariów, zorganizowanych przez European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), dotyczących tematyki związanej z błękitną gospodarką, inteligentną specjalizacją, błękitnymi karierami, turystyką itp. Webinaria te odbywały się będą raz w miesiącu w formie jednogodzinnego wykładu, w którym ekspert przedstawi aktualny stan danego zagadnienia, a uczestnicy będą mogli zadawać pytania i komentować. Spotkania odbywać się będą w języku angielskim.
Najbliższy Blue Talk
Operational Oceanography for Blue Growth
Prof. Aldo Drago, University of Malta
21/01/2021, godz. 13.00
Professor Aldo Drago leads the Physical Oceanography Research Group (PO-Res.Grp, ex-Physical Oceanography Unit) within the Department of Geosciences at the University of Malta. He is the founder of the PO-Unit. Major activities concern oceanographic research, in a holistic perspective, including operational marine observations and forecasts, specialised data management analysis and participation in international cooperative research ventures. He is currently the Maltese delegate on the BlueMed Group of Senior Officials, National GOOS Focal Point in EOOS, Co-Leader on the JPI-Oceans Joint Action Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES), member of the COPERNICUS Academy and the COPERNICUS Champion User Group, and the vice-chair of the University Maritime Platform. Prof. Drago coordinates the M.Sc. in Applied Oceanography.
Poprzednie Blue Talks
Experience of the Blue Mediterranean Implementation Plan – Margherita Cappelletto, BlueMed
12/11/2020 @ 13:00
Recognizing the complexity of the governance of the Mediterranean basin, exposed to critical environmental threats among other stressors, the talk addresses the BlueMed Initiative, a cooperation framework to develop a sustainable blue economy in the area. It focuses on the key research and innovation priorities for blue jobs and growth, underlying the collaborative process that led to their identification and will lead to their implementation.
The Blue bioeconomy – experiences from the Baltic Sea Region – Angela Schultz-Zehden, Managing Director @SUBMARINER Network
15/10/2020 @ 13:00
Angela Schultz-Zehden from Submariner Network will share experiences and lessons learnt on implementing the blue bioeconomy solutions in the Baltic Sea Region.
Recovery of tourism and how COVID-19 is affecting tourist/consumer preferences –Anabela Marques Santos and Karel Haegeman, EC Joint Research Centre
14/12/2020 @ 14.00
Anabela Marques Santos and Karel Haegeman from JRC will discuss on how Covid-19 effected tourism
Nadchodzące Blue Talks
- Potential for (Blue) Growth, Hanna Łądkowska, University of Gdansk 02/2021 (TBC)
- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “one Planet One Ocean: From Science to Solutions, Dr. Avan Antia, University of Kiel 03/2021 (TBC)
- Competitiveness of the Port Logistics Chain, Dr. María del Mar Cerbán, University of Cadiz – to be announced
- Present and future challenges in the development of hybrid platforms for the exploitation of marine renewable energies and aquaculture, Pedro Mayorga Rubio, ENEROCEAN- to be announced